Summer is over.
The proof is--I have two children who
just finished their first week of school.
It's been a fun one. I mean that sarcastically AND sincerely.
Here is our summer in a nutshell: Girls Camp, wedding, visitors, and a Washington/Oregon trip.
And of course,
a little bit of drama interspersed here and there.
Yep-fun stuff.
Here are a few captured moments:
First, little miss Scarlett returned with a vengeance.
LOVED by all thoroughly and completely.
And the wedding of the century took place with perfection personified.
No visit with the Hurst girls would be complete without a trip to see the "animals."
Springville has its own nature reserve if you didn't know....
Washington holds Hannah's heart in its hand.
She feels a kindred spirit with the water, the clouds, and the rain.
Pokeman hunting was the highlight of our day in Seattle for these boys :/
We visited Grandpa Labit in Winchester Bay, Oregon for the first time.
It was amazing. Loved every minute of our visit.
Will especially loved Go-Karting....
We put on some extra vacation pounds right here at Grandpa's.
Obligatory picture of the Space Needle :)
My personal highlight of the summer?
My return to the world of fitness.
Yup, after a two year break,
the Provo Rec Center has my back. Woot!
And the Nike Outlet in Washington equipped me with these sweet shoes.
And so that is that- onward to fall.
Orange and red colors on the mountain--I've spotted you
and I am full on ready.