Thursday, May 20, 2010

Goodbye to the M...

Last weekend we, Sister Rayback, Sister Labit, and the 8th ward YCL's, came head to head with the "M" otherwise known as Sister Rayback's childhood home... (look carefully in the'll find it.)

We had many "M"-azing adventures in Idaho Falls, or I.F. as the locals call it...or at least they called it I.F. when I went to the "M"-azing Ricks College about a hundred years ago.

We went to the Idaho Falls temple and did baptisms...

We played with Sis. Rayback's pet potbellies..
No, seriously.

Michaela played with the pigs, dogs, and horses. At the same time.
No, seriously.

We slept in a room filled with wild game hunted down by Daddy Isbell, including these lions.
No, seriously.

Britta, Karly, and Michaela just before they ate Moose burgers for dinner.
No, seriously.

It was an amazingly beautiful weekend.
I'm trying to talk the hubby into buying some potbellies of our own...
Not seriously.