Sunday, August 12, 2012

And Here We Have Idaho...

I took a four-day vacation with the Laurels, to visit Michaela's up and coming stomping ground.
As a matter of fact, 
we bee-lined it straight to her new residence....

Fancy digs, right?

We spent some time in "The Tower of Death" at Sis. Rayback's house. Her dad is a master hunter.
Beth made friends with a dearly departed crocodile...

...and a very much alive horse.
(and a dog, and pigs!)

We ate at Big Jud's, famous for their massive and delicious hamburgers.

Though the menu was kind of extensive,

we only wanted one thing.

Our trip culminated at the temple, 
and then we headed home.

Ah, Idaho.
Thank you for some much needed mental restoration.