Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Notes From A Weekend.

Our weekend activities consisted of, but were not limited to,
  the following:
Elijah spent a good deal of his weekend filming a video for drama that some how involved this book review....

Friday night was spent playing many rounds of Hearts, not only using face cards, but Jack Daniel's ones to boot...(I blame the husband).

Beth trekked to DI and bought her self some "mom jeans." She promptly cut them off and has been wearing them as often as possible ever since.

Jake celebrated his 10th birthday (for about the 10th time), on Sunday...
...and Will is anxiously awaiting his 11th birthday which takes place in about 2 weeks. Believe it or not, we still have 3 more birthdays to celebrate before this month is over!!!

And that's the weekend wrap up.