So many old pictures on my hard drive.
I can't stop obsessing about them :)
This one takes me back to the time I thought life was hard...lot's of physical demands but such sweet payoffs!
Top Row L to R: Cody, Brady, Meghan, Michaela, Bethany, and Jordan
Middle Row: Hannah, Elijah, Avery, Cassidy, Kyle, Riley, and Colby
Front Row: Christine, Will, and Kaylie
This would be the Easter Egg hunt at the church where four year old Elijah made a potty run just as we were loading up into the cars to go home.
He told me specifically-"don't leave me."
Which I promptly did.
Some wonderful mother found him walking home on State street. He had his phone number memorized and she called me to let me know
what a loser mother I was.
Well, not really in those words but I knew the truth.
A shining moment in my career :)
Good times ya'll.