Thursday, July 16, 2015

Of Reunions and Such.

 Once upon a time, I lived in Hawaii with my 
tiny little family of five.
Well, truthfully, we were a family of two, then three, then four and finally five.
During that whole process I had a great friend-- Nicole. 
When we met she was single-
then she became a missionary-
and then she brought her new husband back to Hawaii.
She had her first baby there too.

We had quite a few adventures together:
We were both nannies in the same neighborhood--
each Friday we left work and drove to the temple.
There, we met up with Michael who was 
just getting done with a long day of classes and work.

I opened her mission call while 
she was working on the Big Island...
She said, "I will be happy to go anywhere but Utah."
I got to tell her that she was going to Salt Lake City... :/

We pushed strollers together while we
talked about the gospel, motherhood, and losing baby weight.
We even battled lice together. Yay!

Fast forward 15 years and we finally met up again last month.
So much catching up to do--
but it was almost like no time had passed at all. 

Her little family had grown to a family of seven just like ours.
Missing their oldest who was just dropped off at Utah State.
 I took one picture and then Will got a hold of my camera...

Awesome job Will.
Even after all these years, we sure love these guys.