Sunday, September 24, 2017

A Week In the Life

 Drove by Janis' old apartment and it looked like this. After spending all summer emptying her house in Payson, I knew she would be proud of this kindred spirit inhabiting her old space. 

 Said goodbye to Nephi (sniff).
Enough said, right?
I'm pathetic.

 Made a cookie dough birthday cake for my niece.
I'm shallow enough to take a picture of the cake and not of her. Yikes.
Imagine a thick spread of cookie dough in between the layers.
That's why you lost out Alissa. 
Cookie dough always wins.

And speaking of shallow, I spent the night at a highly controversial city council meeting just trying to figure out if the Provo City Attorney, was the same Brian Jones 
that was my huge pre-pubescent crush.
In Atlanta, Georgia. 
I was 12.
It could be him.

Spent a good portion of each day 
drooling over pictures of my nephew, Leo.
Born in the middle of the solar eclipse.
Going to see him this week.
Hello, Atlanta.

And Holy Heaven, my classes are back in full swing.
Could not be more happy about that.

Onward and upward. 
Shabbat Shalom.