The unbelievably gifted, David Osmond...
to the beginning of MTC- Will told me he had gone to Noodles and Co.
during the summer with his friend and she said to him- Look, there’s
David Osmond.”
I was appalled that he had never told me about that experience, knowing how much I love David.
So 3 or 4 times a week for 5 weeks he would say,
“Mom, guess who I saw at Noodles and Company?”
It became our running joke.
this morning, as he and Michael were in the checkin line- Michael
texted me this:
"Will says guess who is standing in line in front of
I knew immediately.
Most definitely.
Tender mercy though?
You might be happy to know that there were no tears at the airport.
But there were quite a few when I got home to this empty chair...