Monday, May 10, 2010

Goodbye Mr. Bennett

It's not that I don't have some sympathy for Bob Bennett and his resounding defeat on Saturday at the Republican convention, but his statement to the press after his loss sums up exactly why he lost:

(Speaking of his voting record)

"Looking back on them -- with one or two very minor exceptions -- I wouldn't have cast any of them any differently even if I'd known at the time it would cost me my career because I have always done the best I can to cast the vote that I think is best for the state and best for the country."

Another politician who has substituted his judgment for that of his constituents. Once again, we are a representative republic. You are voted in to represent the wishes of your constituents. When you stop doing that, you are voted out.

That is what happened to Mr. Bennett.

It might happen to Mr. Hatch.