Monday, December 5, 2011

A Post For My Mom That I Hope My Kids Won't Read.

Last week I week I had a conversation with my mom that went something like this: 

Mom: Sounds like your kids are doing great.
Me: Oh, we have our struggles.
Mom: Well, you wouldn't know by your blog. 

Okay, so here is the deal. I try to keep my blog positive. Mainly, because my kids read my blog and are kind of sensitive about what I put on it. It may seem like we are just happily sailing along, singing in musicals and winning awards, but let me tell you-we have some wingdingers.

Let me share our weekend at the risk of making one or so of my children not speak to me for awhile. All participants will remain anonymous.

1) Three of my children were grounded all weekend for grades being super sub-par. I don't know who that punishes more, me or them.

2) After being grounded all weekend, one of my children forgot to do the homework in the questionable class that he/she is not passing. Dad got up at 5:00 am and did homework with him/her for 2 1/2 hours and then drove that child to school.

3) I sat in the counseling office this morning with one child to discover that this child is on the truant list for ditching a class too many times. This child is not naughty, he/she has just discovered the happiness of going out to lunch. This child did not realize that there were serious consequences for ditching class.

4) And to top it all off, my phone was turned off this morning for failure to pay the bill. We have had this conversation with Comcast over and over and over again. They can't figure out our auto-pay plan and we "fix" it every couple of months and then it happens again. 

So don't try to call me today- you probably wouldn't want to talk to me anyways.

I'm turning up the Michael Buble' and lighting the Christmas candle...