Sunday, March 16, 2014

A Labit Family Update in Three Sentences.

She is in Russia.
She is having ATM troubles.
She went to Moscow and climbed on gates.

She is playing Lacrosse.
She hates math.
She has a  bunny.

He was ordained a priest.
He joined an ultimate frisbee team.
He is a good beginning driver.

Still in this phase...

She loves her mommy :)
She can't wait for summer.
She is learning to drive.

He now plays volleyball.
He is First Class (Scout).
He still reads voraciously.

He's obsessed with balls.
He's obsessed with Michael.
We're obsessed with him.

And there you go.
That's us in a nutshell.
Here's to a new week.
Make it a good one.