Sunday, December 21, 2014

Week In Review.

 It's been a week.
A really busy week.
Here's a quick recap:

 Bethany made it home.
The blurry picture is kind of indicative of how she was feeling after finally stepping off the last plane after 2 days of traveling-
 with some really long flights.

When we arrived at the airport, this is what we saw:

 Tons of missionary families waiting for their missionaries.
Every so often shouts and cheers would break out 
followed by lots of tears :)
Fun stuff I tell you.

That night we celebrated her birthday. 
She's 19. 
Since then, we have hardly seen her. 
Either she is sleeping, 
or she is socializing. 
Apparently a lot of people want Bethany time.

Also happening this week: this kid passed his Eagle Board of Review with flying colors.
I don't know who is more relieved, me or him.
Pretty sure he is just relieved that I will
 no longer be nagging him....

 Friday night, this cousin from Washington opened his mission call.
He's going to Honduras.
Everyone is over the moon for him.
He will be an awesome missionary!
His brother is currently serving in Colorada- Spanish speaking.
Exciting times all around.

And finally, we had our annual Brown family Christmas party. 
Lots of fun, lot's of food.
Jacob was the proud winner of the gag gift. 
If you look closely, you can see it's a bag of pickled chicken feet courtesy of our Chinese adventurer.. 

And that's mostly it. 
Still lots of Christmas prep to be done 
but we are on the home stretch. 
Good luck to you and yours.
Merry Christmas!