Friday, December 14, 2012

In the Spirit of Family Forum...

In the Labit FHE production each Monday night, we have a series of traditional business items that must take place:
1)Family Announcements
2)Family Forum
3)Family Questions

Each one is given their due amount of time. 
Family Forum, however, has spun out of control. 
By definition, it is a time to bring up anything that is on your mind.   A recipe for disaster usually.
Sometimes Family Forum can last longer than the entire lesson.
So, in the spirit of this rich tradition, here is a whole bunch of randomness.

In the Labit home this week: 
Will sings in 3 choir concerts...
...and performs on his Cello.

Hannah plays her clarinet in a band concert.
Elijah makes this sweet grappling hook in his Metals class.
Someone keeps changing this...

...into awkwardly inappropriate non-holiday words.

I feel lame because I have just discovered the beauty of this Christmas CD, and I have played it over and over this year.

And it would not be an exaggeration to say that I have played David Osmond's Joy to the World  from this CD 
over 50 times in the last 2 days.
Cannot get enough of it.
And today, we are shocked and stunned by the tragic shootings that took place in Connecticut.
My heart aches for the families of those who were lost.
It is unimaginable grief.
So grateful for the knowledge I have 
that families are forever.
May God bless the broken hearted tonight.