Saturday, August 17, 2013

Almost Gone.

And so the last full week of summer vacation has concluded.
It ends much like the last week of school before summer vacation...with me ready for a change.
It's been a long summer in more ways than one.

So much sadness with friends and cancer.
It's almost surreal the way cancer has invaded our little community in the past few months.
Too many heartaches and heart breaks,
and again, the healing salve of the plan of salvation is what is getting us through...

There have been happy moments as well, and I hope I have documented them enough to remind myself that life is always beautiful and hard-and we all get our share of both.
And when it's my turn for the really hard stuff, I hope I can move through it as gracefully and faithfully as my dear friends are doing right now.

I could not be more ready for the Sabbath tomorrow.
Shabbat Shalom.