Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fall Break, or Something Like It...

Despite the HUGE political rant that is raging in my head right now, 
I will just summarize the Fall Break that really wasn't.

 Unless you have some awesome travel plans, breaks from 
school for no reason other than it is fall, are more work than "break." 
Seriously, keeping teenagers actively involved in things that don't
 include technology is the hardest job I have ever had:)

One of the greatest distractions for all of my kids are these wonderful little girls. WE LOVE THEM! Everyone turns to mush when they are around. Even the hard hearted teenagers! Well, most of them.  We field tripped to an animal farm and had a blast feeding and petting the animals.

As mentioned before, our temple trip was the highlight of our fall break...

 ...we  need some lessons on appropriate temple ground behavior apparently :)

We celebrated Hannah's birthday for the millionth time on Sunday with family members who had not yet celebrated with her!

At which time I baked candy corn flavored OREOS in the middle of chocolate chip cookie deliciousness. LOVE them Oreos. Seriously, who knew?

Later that evening we had a 4 hour black out in which we succumbed to reading by candle light...and watching church videos on Grandma's computer til it died.

Elijah hates it when I catch him reading :)

And then Monday, the last day of "Fall Break" was spent doing homework all day.
Because that's what you do when you breaked all break.

Thank heavens it's Tuesday :)