Saturday, March 2, 2013

And So Before Tomorrow,

I should report on last Sunday dinner's activities. 
I have been a little under the weather and so I feel way behind on just about everything in my life.
Especially my sleep.
Nonetheless, here is the recap:

It was decided that "breakfast for dinner" was the way to go.

Julie and Angie made delicious breakfast casseroles...
...and I made cinnamon rolls.

Meghan was home for the weekend, to watch  
the Springville High girls basketball victory,

and Ashley and Lindsey made a special guest appearance. 
We love it when that happens.

And so tomorrow

Sunday dinner will be spent with the Cook kids
whose parents happen to be back in Hawaii 
taking care of some business. 
Michael is on the docket to cook up one of his special secret recipes, and then I will rush off to meetings, which is my new Sunday routine :)

May your Sabbath be renewing...
Shabbat Shalom.